Pierre Gaulon

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[Web] Kryptos support

Kryptos Support is a web application that provides support for their users to submit tickets. Submitted tickets will be reviewed by an administrator.

Usually when an application allows some user input to be seen by a higher privilege user, it is about using a reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability, for the admin to execute. Depends on the admin cookie, it then becomes exploitable as either cookie stealing or Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

In this application, the cookies have the HTTP only flag set to false, and thus can be sent over via an XSS: namely cookie stealing.

Here we could have used ngrok as:

# terminal 1
$ ngrok http 4444

# terminal 2
$ python -m http.server 4444

Instead we use a ready to go server, copy the following into the report:

var i=new Image;


And we soon see the review from the admin:


From there, we can copy the cookie into Firefox developer console, Storage tab, and login as admin, to steal the session.

Subsequently, we see that it is not actually an admin who uses our XSS payload, but a moderator. However we do access to an additional menu to change the current user password.

Change pass

Fortunately, the user id, or uid, is used as part of the request. That’s called IDOR. We can change anyone password using this API call. We just need to guess the admin uid, but there’s a high chance it is 1. Let’s try it!

Change pass admin

We can now escalate from the moderator user, to the admin user for which we now know the password. Logging in with the admin user and admin password, we are presented with the flag:

Change pass admin

The flag is HTB{x55_4nd_id0rs_ar3_fun!!}.