Pierre Gaulon

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[Crypto] Gonna lift them all

We are presented with an algorithm very similar to El Gamal, which is based on the Diffie-Hellman key exchange

from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, getPrime
import random

FLAG = b'HTB{??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????}'

def gen_params():
  p = getPrime(1024)
  g = random.randint(2, p-2)
  x = random.randint(2, p-2)
  h = pow(g, x, p)
  return (p, g, h), x

def encrypt(pubkey):
  p, g, h = pubkey
  m = bytes_to_long(FLAG)
  y = random.randint(2, p-2)
  s = pow(h, y, p)
  return (g * y % p, m * s % p)

def main():
  pubkey, privkey = gen_params()
  c1, c2 = encrypt(pubkey)

  with open('data.txt', 'w') as f:
    f.write(f'p = {pubkey[0]}\ng = {pubkey[1]}\nh = {pubkey[2]}\n(c1, c2) = ({c1}, {c2})\n')

if __name__ == "__main__":

However there is a key difference: instead of using g^y as part of the encrypted value (c1), here g*y is used. Since we can easily calculate the inverse of g, we can recover y. From there, we compute the inverse of s=h^y, which is invs=h^-y. Finally we multiply c2 by that value to retrieve the message m.

from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes, inverse

FLAG = b'HTB{??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????}'

p = 163096280281091423983210248406915712517889481034858950909290409636473708049935881617682030048346215988640991054059665720267702269812372029514413149200077540372286640767440712609200928109053348791072129620291461211782445376287196340880230151621619967077864403170491990385250500736122995129377670743204192511487
g = 90013867415033815546788865683138787340981114779795027049849106735163065530238112558925433950669257882773719245540328122774485318132233380232659378189294454934415433502907419484904868579770055146403383222584313613545633012035801235443658074554570316320175379613006002500159040573384221472749392328180810282909
h = 36126929766421201592898598390796462047092189488294899467611358820068759559145016809953567417997852926385712060056759236355651329519671229503584054092862591820977252929713375230785797177168714290835111838057125364932429350418633983021165325131930984126892231131770259051468531005183584452954169653119524751729
(c1, c2) = (159888401067473505158228981260048538206997685715926404215585294103028971525122709370069002987651820789915955483297339998284909198539884370216675928669717336010990834572641551913464452325312178797916891874885912285079465823124506696494765212303264868663818171793272450116611177713890102083844049242593904824396, 119922107693874734193003422004373653093552019951764644568950336416836757753914623024010126542723403161511430245803749782677240741425557896253881748212849840746908130439957915793292025688133503007044034712413879714604088691748282035315237472061427142978538459398404960344186573668737856258157623070654311038584)

def decrypt(p,g,h,c1,c2):
    invg = inverse(g,p)
    # double checking we got the inverse
    assert g * invg % p == 1

    y = c1 * invg % p
    # double checking the value of y is correct by recomputing c1
    # and checking 2 <= y <= p-2
    assert g * y % p == c1
    assert y <= p-2

    s = pow(h,y,p)
    invs = pow(h,-y,p)
    # double checking we got the inverse
    assert s * invs % p == 1

    m = c2 * invs % p

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

The value of m is:
