HTB Cyber Apocalypse 2022 CTF
Hack The Box organized a Capture The Flag (CTF) event to which I participated with few friends: Cyber Apocalypse 2022
A CTF is a hacking based game providing different cyber security puzzles. Puzzles are organized in categories, such as web, pwn, reverse, crypto, etc. Solving a puzzle gives a unique (and unguessable) character string that will be exchanged for points. Points are given according to the difficulty of a puzzle, and the number of other teams solving it: to score higher points you must be the first one to solve a challenge!
CTF events can be attended alone or with a team. This event was great, thanks to Hack The Box!
Below are our version of the challenges we could solve.
Write up
- [Web] Kryptos Support
- [Web] Blinker Fuild
- [Web] Amidst Us
- [Web] Intergalactic Post
- [Web] Red Island
- [Web] Mutation
- [Web] Acnologia Portal
- [Pwn] Space Pirate: Entrypoint
- [Misc] Compressor
- [Misc] Matrioshka Brain
- [Reverse] Wide
- [Forensics] Puppeteer
- [Forensics] Golden Persistence
- [Forensics] Automation
Certificate of participation |